Salt-Away is the best solution to save your vehicles and other property from road salt damage.
Water alone will not remove salt.
Treating the undercarriage, wheel wells, wheels, fenders, bumpers, or any part of your vehicle or other equipment with Salt-Away works to protect against salt corrosion and reduces costly repairs caused by the corrosive action of salt.
Salt-Away is safe to use on magnesium, aluminum, any metal, fiberglass, rubber, plastic, chrome, glass or any surface exposed to salt.
Safe to use on vehicle paints
Will not strip wax.

​Remove salt from:
Body, Undercarriage
Exhaust system
Brakes, Wheels, Tires
Bumpers, Windshields
Spoke wheels, Chrome wheels
Tools, Instruments
Car Parts
Car Mats, Carpets
For best results, remove dirt, mud and other debris so that Salt-Away can be applied directly to the metal. Reapply to undercarriage.
Salt-Away can be applied on smaller items with a spray bottle by mixing 20% Salt-Away and 80% water.
Rinsing is recommended for some applications.

MOTORCYCLISTS who like to, or need to be on the roads during winter road salt coverage, have completely relied on using Salt-Away to keep their machine in excellent condition, mechanically and cosmetically.
Any part that can be sprayed with water, can be sprayed with Salt-Away instead.
Your motorcycle will continue to be in excellent condition and will look new.
Use Salt-Away’s Kit to hose salt off bike, or use the 16 ounce Professional Spray for detailing.


Salt-Away is the product of choice at the Bonneville Salt Flats Races for removing salt from these expensive cars.
The racers can safely spray Salt-Away on their cars before they race. The salt is damp due to the water below wicking to the surface. While racing, it is thrown onto the vehicle's surface and sticks. During the trials and the finals, the salt sometimes accumulates to a thickness of 2-3 inches (51mm – 76mm). It then becomes completely hardened like rock salt as it dries, and very difficult to remove.
By applying Salt-Away to the vehicles prior to the salt exposure, a thin, invisible film of Salt-Away residue keeps salt from adhering so tightly. When the racing is finished and thorough removal of salt is required, the film assists in the removal with subsequent applications of Salt-Away by causing the thick salt to drop off in blocks.
See recommendations for applying Salt-Away at Bonneville.
Salt-Away is excellent for all racing classifications including motorcycles, stock cars, diesel trucks, and original designs.
Also, don't forget to treat your support vehicles with Salt-Away.
The same features Salt-Away provides for these racers, will also be beneficial for any vehicle owner who must drive on salted roads during the winter months.

These photos reveal the amount of salt which can attach to the racing vehicles and the support vehicles while participating in the Speed Week races at Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah. Some racers have been using Salt-Away for several years.
Please see Recommendations for Bonneville Racers' Pre and Post Applications of Salt-Away.

Al Ivester from Al's Garage in Rancho Cucamonga, CA with the motorcycle he built from the frame up and rode at more than 100 mph on the flats.